GIUNGLA is a contemporary art festival held since 2020 in Lucca, a unique opportunity to meet and discuss the relationship between human, nature and technology.
Each edition focuses on a keyword, through which artists and guests from different disciplines explore new forms of artistic production and reflection. GIUNGLA is more than a festival: it is a practice of work and research, an inclusive context that continuously nurtures knowledge and experience, offering workshops, encounters and spaces for exchange.
“In common with GIUNGLA is a desire to create the conditions for a living world, revealing before our eyes, as in a theatre, a lively reality that makes encounter possible, crossed by multiple layers of time, in which it is difficult to orient oneself and make choices. A world that combines joy and problems, that allows beauty and also ambiguity of meaning. A world whose absurdity discourages and rejoices. These are the emotional states I try to express in my videos and which I manage to find in JUNGLE; this festival is a kind of miracle!“
– Bertrand Dezoteux, artist
“The vision that I have and that I share with the other members and volunteers of S.o.f.a. – the association that organises the festival – is to make GIUNGLA more a practice of work and reflection, a form of accompaniment for the artists’ production and research.“
– Irene Panzani, curator of GIUNGLA
GIUNGLA ecosystem
Biennale di Cannakkale, Fondazione SAHA, Institut français Italia, i-Portonus – EUROPE, Irem Tok, Giulia Perelli, Roberta Lima, Caroline Mesquita, Raziye Kubat, LANDESCAPE, Serena JV Elston, Bertrand Dezoteux, Manifesto Brutal, Ariane Michel, Guido Segni, Tatiana Villani, Luca Leggero, Eda Sutunç, Lorenzo Sansoni, nontantoprecisi, Fatoumata Kebe, Renata Soukand, Andrea Pieroni, Luca Pagani, Claudio Marzullo, Giovanni Maria Martini, Valerio Tanteri, Marco Ridolfi, Piero Avitabile, Margherita Bozzoli, Donatella Turri, Edoardo Cresci, Tommaso Guariento, CODESIGN, ADIACENZE, Palazzo Bronzo, Ass. Il Giocatoio, DACCAPO…