• Il Gobbo farm
Segromigno in Monte, Capannori

Wind Tales
Performance by Soliné

Whispering, softly, to every person who wants to listen. 

“Wind Tales” is part of a series of works, opening in 2022 in Salzburg, by Solinè, which involve an intimate and unique mode of content, transmission and storytelling, all written directly by the artist. 

In the midst of an ancient olive grove at Il Gobbo Farm, where the tree canopies act as a roof, we will enter a fiction, which will perhaps tell us something about reality. He, the artist, will be there, waiting, surrounded by symbols, objects and words, necessary to reveal, useless to communicate.


Solinè (Carlo Regoli) is an Italian artist who is currently based in Berlin and Lucca. Throughout his body of work, he explores the themes of self-perception and manipulation, which serve his current artistic research. The human mind, its exploration, and its complexity are of great interest to him, as the possibilities are infinite and the results are as experimental as the mind itself.

An enigmatic body of work, started in Salzburg in 2022, continues to develop and change. New Elements are coming out, a connection with ancestral shapes and colours arouse and make the current state.